Grizzly Man
Timothy Treadwell ran away to Alaska every summer for thirteen years, to live among the foxes and the grizzly bears. He had tickets to fly out with his girlfriend, in 2003, as the autumn cold set it. But irritating aspects of civilisation caused him to cancel his flight and return to the Grizzly Maze with his friend, Amie, and their gruesome, carnivoral deaths.
Treadwell recorded his years in the Grizzly Maze on tape. And Werner Herzog has taken some of that footage, combined it with after death interviews and created one of the most moving documents ever screened on film. It is beautiful. And Heartbreaking. And there is no redemption.
No matter what you might have heard about GRIZZLY MAN, or what I might add to it, nothing can adequately prepare you for the emotional depths you will experience at its viewing.