Hasta la Vista

But then, sometime in the late 1980s, the success bug bit the Bay. Way too many new motels were built and the older ones significantly upgraded as coastal tourists increased their weekend descents. Second hand shops became Antique stores. Bakeries, cleaners, clothiers and shoe repair shops were replaced by such as boutiques, spas and upscale restaurants as local services gave way to the itinerant consumer. These visiting customers, however, never turned turned out in numbers great enough to sustain the new build-up and, as time has passed, the burden of the new developments has led to a decline in the services and experiences that we expected to enjoy on our visits. We still enjoyed the crisp and cool, coastal sunshine, and the sight of the Rock and the countryside drives on Highway 1, but we suddenly felt, for the first time, that there was no good reason to stay overnight, or hang for three or four days as we used to. If we ever see the Rock again, it will probably be from our car window during a leisurely drive on Highway 1.