Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I was born and grew up in Cleveland, wised up in Chicago and dumbed down in Los Angeles (UCLA). I don't know if I can remember all the world cities I spent time in: New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Munich, Bonn, Florence, Strasbourg, Barcelona, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Ottawa, Hull, Niagara Falls, Venice, Naples, Salerno, Athens, Mikonos, Bruges, Brussels, Den Hague, Edinburgh, Nice, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Guadalajara, Oaxaca, Ti Juana, Vera Cruz, Vancouver, Las Vegas, Los Alamos, Santa Fe, Denver, St; Louis, New Orleans. . . . . and I've grown tired of the list. My ultimate point is that my favorite city of all. The crown jewel of the western world -- is Mexico City. Period. End of discussion.

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