Monday, January 28, 2008



A reasonably engaging and satisfying movie in this award season. Ordinarily, I wouldn't consider Juno an award winner, except it is the most watchable of the flicks currently being held up as worthy of serious attention by the average filmgoer. The one thing it lacks is angst. But then I hate angst.

It is a basically humane and charming depiction of middle class life and ordinariness. It seems a simple tale but watch out, it fucks with your mind. Especially if you, like me, think you can spot the clues of where the film story and characters are going, because you can't. This is definitely no LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE which brightly foreshadowed exactly where it was going and made a thoroughly disgusting trip of it.

On a personal note, the leading actress frequently seemed in appearance and voice much like a young lady of my acquaintance of Canadian origin. Out of curiosity, I waited through the end credits and then, as I expected, saw that the film was shot in B.C. Coincidence--or percipience? I only take credit for the latter.


At February 02, 2008 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only was it shot in BC, but the actress, Ellen Page, is from Ontario.

I, too, agree that JUNO is the best film of the recent season.

At February 02, 2008 5:13 PM, Blogger BJMe said...

I didn't know about Page, but that was my percipience at its best.

Interestingly, your Mother reports that she noticed the Stacy/Page similarity in TV film clips and promos.


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