Saturday, October 20, 2007

Morro Bay

Julie and I did another of our patented holidays in this charming seaside fishing village on the California Central Coast.
Morro Rock is the signature icon.

But the smoke stacks of the PG&E plant can not be ignored, even from afar.
Morro Rock is the first of seven outcroppings in the area, affectionately known as the Seven Sisters. I think of the PG&E smokestacks as the three Brothers.

Mandy was an invaluable aide on this trip. She even found a beautiful mountain road in the area we had never traveled before.
All-in-all a delightful excursion. The single best hour for me, however, was sitting alone on the sidewalk outside the 2 Dogs' Cafe. Drinking decent espresso. Smoking a decent cigar. On a beautiful cool night with the faint sound of music easing from the coffee shop behind me.

I guess I don't ask much out of life if this meant so much to me.


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