Conservative blog quote
"Now, there’s no question all the trend lines are moving in Obama’s direction. He clearly has the momentum, and this has always been his race to lose. Given an unpopular president, the Iraq war, the current economic crisis, Afghanistan deteriorating, and the illusory promise of “change,” Obama should be running away with this thing. But he’s not. Obama’s inability to close the door on the McCain candidacy, state-by-state polling that is much tighter than national polling, and the Bradley effect, the phenomenon where white voters tell pollsters they’ll vote for the African-American candidate then change their minds in the privacy of the voting booth, will likely make this election a lot closer than the national polls are predicting. "
That's Bradley as in Tom Bradley, great Mayor of Los Angeles, victor in the polls in his race for governor, but loser at the polls for his race.
It was any Democratic candidate's, save John Edwards, race to lose this year. Even though I didn't think Obama was the best Democrat for the job, I now cross my Jesus fingers and pray the obvious inadequacies of McCain-Palin are blatant enough to overcome the Bradley effect.
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