Alone at coffee this afternoon, reading the New Yorker, when a young Black couple stopped at my table. "You know who you look like," the man asked?
What could I say?
"Clint Eastwood," he said. Which was both amusing and flattering. "That's right," he insisted, Clint Eastwood."
So I admitted, "Years ago, I used to hear that. Now that we're old, I guess I'll hear it some again."
"Do you know Clint Eastwood," he asked?
"I did. Back in the day." (Catchy little phrase, that.)
"Was he a nice guy?"
"Oh, yes," I assured him. "A very nice guy."
"I'd really like to meet him. Do you know where he lives?"
"Up northern California. I don't know exactly where."
"Would he talk to me if I met him?"
"I'm sure he would, just hanging out like he does."
"I'd like to be his friend. I would be a good friend to Clint Eastwood."
I smiled and nodded and wished him and his ladyfriend good luck and a good day as I returned to my magazine. I have no doubt that, somehow, I had made his day.
I also thought you resembled Clint E.
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