Carrizo Plain Drive

A stretch of the San Andreas Fault and the ephemeral Soda Lake are the only visible elements on this arid plain.

This is as far I was able to drive on one narrow dirt road. It was not wide enough to turn around on so I had to drive back down in reverse. It was also at this point that my GPS gave out, as did my Olympus camera and my cell phone had no service.
Apparently a choice between Soda Lake Rd. and Soda Lake Rd.
So I took Soda Lake Rd.

Ignoring the road closure warning, I pressed on because I am a dirt kind of guy.
And my road had plenty of it.
These were the only other vehicles on my road, but no occupants present.

I thought of dinasaur bones lying in a desert.
And this is your idea of fun? Well, just never make fun of me again for enjoying shopping!
Speaking of fun: a sharp turn on loose gravel over a dirt road is like hydroplaning on ice. Wheee...
Getting lost here seems quite a bit safer than Adrian Texas.
I guess you had to be there, but it looked wide enough for a 3 point turn...
You are so right, Greg. Your comment led me back to the Adrian post:,
and its moment for me, then and even now.
Looks like an exciting adventure! Sometimes it's nice not knowing where you're going exactly...
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